Johnny Farcy

John Farcy Jr's creative talents were discovered at the age of three after being admitted into the hospital in Fort Rae. With no toys to occupy his time, Farcy began to make small creations out of cardboard boxes. From 1951 to 1957 Farcy attended a residential school where he budded into an accomplished artist winning first prize in 1956 at a school competition. The reward was one hundred pennies. John spent two years in Victoria, BC, attending general arts courses. Other than that he has predominantly been a self-taught artist. Often, he will use his experiences hunting, fishing and trapping as a basis for his artwork. John uses ink for his pictures, using a style called 'pointillism'. The picture is comprised of ink dots or points. This meticulous art form takes many hours to complete with absolute attention being given to details. John's work is on display at the Northern Images Art Gallery in Yellowknife, NT. Additionally, John is working on 'Bear Rock Mountain' which is a Dene legend set in Tulita, NT-a commission in four sections. He is also engaged in talks concerning becoming involved in computer film animations with the National Film Board. John is a Dene artist born in the Northwest Territories and today makes his home in Fort Providence, NT, where he lives with his wife, Rosemarie.