The Artists Hub - Authentically Indigenous

Historique ou description
The Artists Hub – Authentically Indigenous was established as a non-profit corporation in the fall of 2019. It is a joint venture of the lnuvialuit and the Gwich'in responding to a need identified by Indigenous artists in the region. This venture will develop an innovative process that will be piloted for indigenous artists/crafters in the Western Arctic. The concept is to create an association/committee for and by the artists and crafters in each community across the ISR and GSA. The artists, with our support, will work together in developing their capacity, products and business model. As well, we will provide the business supports and mentorship required to remove traditional barriers to venture creation, as well as reestablish the perceived quality of the art and crafts being produced in the region. The business office will provide a central location and address for use by the artists and the association. It will also enable bulk marketing and purchasing, and act as a central location for retail and online sales. The end result, self determined indigenous arts sector in the region.