
The Yellowknife Choral Society is a non-profit society that started as a non-auditioned community choir of 30 to 60 adults of varying ages. The mission of the YCS is to develop and share passion for choral music in our community. We carry out this mission by: Presenting regular concerts in...

The Yellowknife Dance Collective is an incorporated society which exists to choreograph and perform contemporary dance, foster a contemporary dance community in Yellowknife, and promote awareness of contemporary dance in the NWT

Through its mandate and initiatives, the Yellowknife Farmers Market (YKFM) constantly aims at becoming a financially sustainable organization, at working towards Yellowknife food security and building community. The slogan for the Yellowknife Farmers Market is 'Taste, See, Hear...

The Yellowknife Guild of Arts and Crafts is made up of a group of volunteer artists, artisans, students and teachers passionate about learning and sharing craft skills in Yellowknife, NWT.
Formed in 1946, we are one of Canada’s oldest craft guilds. Our primary mandate is to teach art and...

The Yellowknife Quilters are a very active and progressive group of quilters who range from traditional quilters all the way up to fabric artists. The group started in 1989 when 6 ladies met in each others' homes to quilt. Janet Sanders was the driving force getting this started. People started...

New dance classes in Yellowknife! Certified instruction for all classes. Classes are currently held at the Yellowknife Racquet Club. See for more information.